ATHENA温控器美国ATHENA温控器适用于电压110V-240VA,可以由面板切换自动、手动或自动微调,从而确保控制温度的精确。ATHENA温度控制器可以自动调整功率输出方式,防止瞬间启动加热烧毁设备,带有电热开路侦测显示功能,可由按键盘切换手动设定功率输出百分比。上海秋腾代里销售ATHENA定时器、ATHENA温度控制器、ATHENA计数器等全系列产品。 Athena Contols – an industy-leading manufactue of digital and analog tempeatue and pocess contol instumentation since 1965. We hope you find ou web site use-fiendly and helpful in identifying the custom modula tempeatue/pocess contol boads, powe contolles, staging contolles, hot unne contolles, digital contolles, analog contolles, and tempeatue sensos designed to meet today’s demanding tempeatue and pocess contol applications. We also invite you questions and input egading you cuent application needs to ensue selection of the ight tempeatue o pocess contolle fo you specific needs.ATHENA现货、ATHENA价格、ATHENA厂家、ATHENA代理、ATHENA经销、ATHENA型号ATHENA spot, ATHENA pice, ATHENA manufactues, ATHENA agent, ATHENA distibution, ATHENA modelATHENA time, ATHENA tempeatue contolle, ATHENA counte