台州市黄岩志航塑料模具厂位于闻名遐迩的中国模具之乡--黄岩模具新城。其地理位置优越,东邻宁波港、海门港,南有104国道,北有高速公路,距黄岩机场也就“一步之遥”。再加上得天独厚的行业环境,使这里的塑料模具和塑料制品享誉全球。 本厂是一家专业从事蒸发式冷风机(环保空调)、移动式空调扇模具研发和生产的优秀供应商。强大的设计团队、先进的加工工艺和经验丰富的模具开发师傅、能够为您打造出高品质的模具。并可为您提供优质的注塑加工。 开发的模具有环保工业用冷风机,移动式空调扇。汽车配件模具、家用电器模具、日用品模具、BMC/SMC玻璃钢模具,给排水管件以及各种吹塑模具的制造。 “质量第一”是我们的方针。“追求完美”是我们的目标,完善的质量控制体系保证了模具精度高、寿命长、周期短的特点。价格合理、交货及时是我们一贯的宗旨。脚踏实地是我们的工作态度。“全过程,无忧虑为您服务”是我们的服务理念。志航是一家正在蓬勃发展中的年轻企业,相信有您的支持我们会创造出更加美好的明天。 Taizhou City Huangyan Zhihang Plastic Mould Factoy is located in Mould New City,Huangyan which is famous of kingdom of the mould in china. The location is vey convenient, east neaby the Ningbo and Haimen pot, south with 104 national oad, noth have the highway, also vey nea to Huangyan aipot. With the line advantage, the mould and plastic pats ae vey popula in the wold. Ou factoy is specialized in the poducing and moulding fo evapoato ai coole(po-envionment ai condition),mobile ai condition fan. Stong design goup, advanced machining technical and also expeienced mould make , will bing you the high quality mould, also can supply the pefect plastic injection. Thee ae po-envionment Industial ai coole, mobile ai condition fan mould. Also autoca accessoies ,home appliance, commodity BMC/SMC glass steel mould. Also the dain fitting and also the vaious blow mould . ou Policy is ‘quality fist” ,Aim is “Pusue pefect”, nice quality contol system guaantee the mould in pecision, long life and also the fast delivey . Reasonable pice , On time delivey always is ou tenet. Down to eath is ou woking attitude.’ Whole pocess, sevice without woy’ is ou sevice idea. Zhihang is yonge and developing company, with you tust we will be moe bighte futue.